Sabtu, 30 Januari 2010

Bersama Mr.Bernard

Bersama Mr.Zhang

MR.Eddy Ali.

Kamis, 28 Januari 2010

Basically, there are two systems used to retread a tire, Mold Cure and Pre Cure. The reason both systems exist is because of the economics of operating a retread plant and have nothing to do with the quality of the finished product. Each system has unique advantages but both systems produce equally good retreaded tires. The initial steps in retreading a tire the same regardless of which retreading system is used. These steps are:

1. Primary Inspection.
Each tire received in a retread plant is subjected to a very rigorous visual inspection. Inspectors may be assisted by the use of various non-destructive sophisticated inspection equipment available in the retread industry. As many as 85% of passenger tires are rejected. The acceptance rate for truck tires is higher due to the better care taken for and the stronger construction of a truck when compared to a passenger tire. Only the very best proven worn passenger and truck tires get past this inspection.

2. Buffing.
After inspection, tires have the old tread mechanically removed on high speed buffers. Today's buffers are extremely accurate and will remove the proper amount of old rubber while truing the tire to an exact specified diameter and radius.

3. Application of new rubber in the tread area.
Here is where the systems differ.
a. In the pre cure system, the tread rubber has already been vulcanized with the new tread design. The buffed tire has a thin layer of cushion gum wrapped around the tread area and the pre cured tread is then applied. The cushion gum serves to bond the pre cured tread to the tire. The tire is then placed in a curing chamber and the pre cured tread becomes adhered to the tire through a vulcanizing process very similar to that used in new tire construction.
b. In the mold cure system, unvulcanized tread rubber is applied to the buffed tire. The tire is then placed into a rigid mold which contains the tread design in the tread area. The mold is heated and the rubber in the tread area vulcanizes and adheres to the tire with the new tread design molded in. Again, this vulcanization process is very similar to that used in new tire construction. Note: Both systems require a combination of time, heat and pressure to create the vulcanization of the new rubber to the tread area of the tire.

4. Final inspection.
The retreaded tire is subjected to a final inspection. This inspection insures that only tires that meet industry quality standards are allowed to leave the retread plant.

5. Trimming and painting.
The retreaded tire that successfully has passed the final inspection, is trimmed to remove any excess rubber and painted. It is then ready to return to full service and a second (or third) life as a safe and economical alternative to high priced new tires. Nail hole and section repairs. When required, nail hole and section repairs are performed within the retread industry repair guidelines. These repairs are made using the latest technology and proven repair materials. A properly repaired tire can be put back in full service.


Pada dasarnya, di dunia ini ada dua sistem yang digunakan untuk vulkanisir ban,

sistem Dingin dan sistem panas.
Alasan kedua sistem ini digunakan adalah karena sumber daya ekonomi dari pengoperasian pabrik vulkanisir dan tidak ada hubungannya dengan kualitas produk.
Setiap sistem memiliki keuntungan yang unik tapi kedua sistem vulkanisir ini memproduksi ban yang sama baiknya.
Langkah2 awal dalam vulkanisir ban ini adalah sama, tanpa merubah sistem vulkanisir yang digunakan.
dan Langkah-langkah ini adalah sbb:

1. Inspeksi awal.
Setiap ban yang diterima masuk dalam pabrik vulkanisir akan diseleksi dengan sangat ketat dengan inspeksi visual.
Inspektur dapat dibantu dengan penggunaan berbagai sarana inspeksi peralatan canggih yang tersedia di dalam industri vulkanisir.
Sebanyak 85% dari ban kendaraan angkutan penumpang kecil ditolak, mengingat karena di khawatirkan melanggar UU. tetapi Penerimaan ban truk lebih diutamakan karena dapat diambil untuk perawatan yang lebih baik dan dapat divulkanisir hingga berkali kali, dan selain itu konstruksi yang lebih kuat dari sebuah ban truk apabila dibandingkan dengan ban penumpang. Hanya saja pada akhirnya adalah yang terbaik saja yang di proses, hal ini terbukti bahwa setiap ban kendaraan penumpang dan ban truk akan melewati pemeriksaan ini.

2. Proses Pemarutan.
Setelah inspeksi awal dilakukan, maka ban yang memiliki sisa tapak lama dibuang pada kecepatan tinggi mesin parutan. mesin parut saat ini adalah sangat akurat dan tepat untuk membuang sisa karet lama.
jadi tingkat kedalaman dan alur yang rata dapat disesuaikan dengan ukuran..

3. Aplikasi karet baru di wilayah tapak Ban (building process).
Di sinilah kedua sistem ini berbeda.
a. Dalam sistem dingin.
ban yang telah di parut akan dipasang dengan lembaran karet yang telah dicetak terlebih dahulu, dan kemudian dipasangkan pada ban tersebut. dan kemudian ban akan dibungkus dengan balutan karetyang disebut envelope, kemudian dimasukkan kedalam mesin yang berbentuk kapsul besar guna di cetak.
envelope karet berfungsi untuk melindungi badan ban selama proses masak dingin berlangsung. setelah selesai maka Ban kemudian ditempatkan dalam sebuah ruangan yang berfungsi untuk mendinginkan pada ban vulkanisir tersebut setelah usai cetak.

b. Sistem panas
Dalam sistem panas ini, karet tapak vulkanisir panas yang mentah (belum di cetak) dipasang pada permukaan ban. kemudian Ban ini kemudian ditempatkan dalam cetakan yang kaku berbentuk kerang terbuka yang berisi desain tapak2 alur ban di wilayah sisi dalam mesin tersebut. kemudian Cetakan dipanaskan, dan karet mentah di bagian tapak ban tersebut akan memuai mengikuti alur dari sisi dalam mesin cetak tersebut dan kemudian karet mentah tersebut akan melekat pada ban dengan desain tapak yang dibentuk didalam mesin tersebut, dan proses vulkanisasi ini sangat mirip dengan yang digunakan pada konstruksi ban baru.
Catatan: Kedua sistem memerlukan kombinasi waktu yang berbeda, panas uap yang telah ditentukan dan tekanan yang berbeda pada setiap proses untuk menciptakan vulkanisasi karet yang baru ke daerah telapak ban tersebut.

4. Final inspeksi
Seluruh ban vulkanisir yang hampir selesai akan melewati tahap ini.
Inspeksi ini dilakukan untuk menjamin bahwa hanya ban yang memenuhi standar kualitas tertinggi di industri kami yang diperbolehkan untuk meninggalkan pabrik vulkanisir dan didistribusikan.

5.Perbaikan terakhir, pemasangan merk, dan pelayanan semir.
untuk setiap ban vulkanisir yang telah lulus inspeksi akhir di dalam pabrik vulkanisir akan diperiksa untuk membuang karet yang tersisa ataupun untuk di semir kembali. setelah itu ban akan kembali ke konsumen atau siap untuk di jual ke pada pemakai.
jika terdapat lubang atau sebagainya maka akan dilakukan proses perbaikan dengan teliti, guna menjaga standard kualitas dari ban vulkanisir tersebut.

for info:
please call : 021 5987820 (Jabodetabek)
0721 788919 (Lampung)

Management Champion Retreading.

Kamis, 21 Januari 2010

Sekilas mengenai gambaran mesin vulkanisir.
Retread Facts

Published by the Tire Retread & Repair Information Bureau
Retreaded truck tires represent a savings of over $3 billion dollars annually for truckers and trucking companies in North America.
For most fleets, tires represent the second largest item in their operating budget, right after labor and fuel costs.

The lowest possible cost-per-mile is achieved with a good tire management program that includes the use of quality retreads. (Hot Topic)
Retreads are the replacement tire of choice for many truckers. Nearly half of all replacement truck tires are retreads.
Retreads are not only cost effective, but they are also dependable, reliable and safe. Retreads are used by truckers with scheduled delivery times, small package delivery companies with guaranteed delivery times, including the U.S. Postal Service, on commercial and military jets, by most school bus operators, taxis, and many other types of vehicles.
Retreads are also environmentally friendly. Tires are basically petro-chemical products. It takes approximately 22 gallons of oil to manufacture one new truck tire. Most of the oil is found in the casing, which is reused in the retreading process. As a result, it takes only approximately 7 gallons of oil to produce a retread. Wide based truck tires save even more fuel.
Retreaders, like trucking companies, have experienced considerable consolidation. Today, the most successful retreaders are those with the highest quality products, delivering the best possible return on investment to the fleets. Because of the competitive nature of the retreading industry, truckers can expect to see continuous improvement in quality, durability and reliability, as the major retread suppliers annually invest millions of dollars in research and development.

Selasa, 05 Januari 2010

Retreading is one way to put pressure on spending your money, you may feel no need to use retread on your vehicle wheels, but is it effective? in some cases making use of retread your tires last longer than new tires in normal use, this proves that the quality of retreading is not as bad as some people think lately.
on some airlines also use a retread to press their expenses, this is certainly a doubled profits for their companies.
today's retreading process was far more advanced than previously, this is due to increased technological advances, so the engine and other tools being developed for the achievement of the highest quality of a retread.
so wait let alone, start to use the tire retreading on your vehicle, please feel different and it ..

if you want to know more about tire retreading, and want to try to use it, please contact us, CHAMPION RETREADING will help you to be happy